Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼Nwpid | |
CChassis | A pure virtual class to define the behavior and attributes of a chassis. Classes that extend this class will default to the behavior defined here, which for all methods is to do nothing |
CConversion | A Conversion class used to convert distances to other units. Also used to standardize units to inches in the internal calculation |
CHDrive | An HDrive chassis class that inherits from the Tank class. Contains functions for strafing sideways, and moving diagonally along with all Tank related motion. Utilizes PID for all motion |
CLOG | A simple logger class that can be used to log messages to the console. Contains 3 different logging levels, DEBUG, INFO, and WARN |
CMechanism | A Mechanism class that uses PID to control a motor group. Contains functions for moving to a relative or absolute angle both synchronously and asynchronously |
CPID | A PID class that stores constants and calculates the speed of a motor or motor group with respect to its current error and other internal factors |
CTank | An Tank chassis class that inherits from the Chassis virtual class. Contains functions for moving forwards and backwards, and on the spot turns. Utilizes PID for all motion |